Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Embracing Failure

There are only a few worse things (ie: losing your puppy in a busy city, or being one number away from the multimillion dollar wining lottery ticket) I can think of than staying up for forty-eight hours straight working on a project, only to find yourself holding back tears mid critique while your professor asks if you went blind before creating said work.

Don’t panic. It may take a few attempts in nailing your design process down to fully understand what went wrong the first few times, but in order to grow as a designer, step one is to fail.

Failure, seemingly scary, is extremely important in the field of design; In fact, failure, after concepting, is the first step in the design process, whether we want to embrace this or not. It is important to step away from the computer initially and sketch out every idea to see which ideas stick and which ones you can tell are already flops. Usually, when your trashcan is filled up with paper basketball free throws and there is no more room in your newly purchased sketchbook, typically indicates a good time to choose your top ideas and test them out in different ways and styles that will enhance your concept.

With failure comes exploration and exploration brings success. Instead of chaining yourself to the first few ideas that come to mind, the best thing to do is explore various options without limiting yourself and your mind because usually that is where the best solution is found.

Don’t worry, even though your professor still might end up hating some of your new options, the time you spent has never been wasted. Your mom will be more than happy to hang it on her fridge and probably show off your talents on her Facebook page as well.

1 comment:

  1. Jess –

    I love this topic; it’s a lesson that all designers need to learn. Trying and failing is a big part of the creative process, and while it can be discouraging, most design rock starts will tell you that it helped them on the path to greatness. This is a great start on the topic, but I think you can enhance this article by expanding it a bit in one of two ways:
    1. Include a quote from a famous designer or illustrator and discuss how they embrace failure.
    2. Provide a personal story about a failure you encountered as a designer, and how it shaped your creative process and/or attitude.

    Overall, great job on the writing. I only found a couple small edits:

    - In paragraph 3, sentence 1, note that you don’t need to capitalize after a semicolon. In the last sentence, add “this” before “typically”.

    Nice image, too.
